Jenna Rosenblatt

“As an aspiring art therapist, I believe there is no better way to access the depths of the human psyche than through creativity. By producing my own work, I have experienced the powerful connection between fine art and psychology. It is my goal to lead others to this same realization; art-making is a meaningful way to meet ourselves at our most authentic, unapologetic place.

Through my experience working with children, developmentally disabled adults, and seniors living with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, I have personally experienced the undeniable healing powers of artistic creation.

The therapeutic practice of art-making has been my chosen inner outlet from a young age. I plan to carry this passion with me into the future, where I will guide others in working through difficult emotions and accessing the truest versions of themselves.”

Jenna Rosenblatt

Art Therapy ‘24

Twenty-two-year-old Jenna Rosenblatt is a soon-to-be art therapist who has a Bachelor’s Degree in Art Therapy from Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University. She expresses a strong passion for both fine arts and psychology. Rosenblatt has valuable experience with a variety of populations. Currently, she works as a Family Programs Assistant at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, where she guides children in creating monthly art projects inspired by exhibits on display. In addition, she loves to spend time making art with residents at The Willows of Living Branches. In 2023, she spent time volunteering at The Main Line Art Center, as well as Sunrise Senior Living of Franklin Lakes. Rosenblatt herself focuses on drawing, painting, and mixed media. She plans to continue her studies in graduate school, where she will earn her Master’s Degree in Art Therapy.

  • Personal: @jennaalily

    Art: @artbyj3nna